An ambulance was delivered with the support of the HS Timber Productions Reci sawmill to the local community

A new ambulance, worth 160,000 Euro, purchased through a public-private partnership, was delivered in the beginning of the year to the County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Covasna, Romania. 

HS Timber Productions Reci sawmill contributed half of the required amount, i.e. 80,000 Euro for the purchase of this ambulance, equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment. 

Adrian Radu, the director of the factory in Reci, declared: "We have always supported the local communities where we operate, paying great attention to the needs from the field of health, education, environment and research and development areas."

The President of Covasna County Council, Tamás Sándor, stated that this is an excellent public-private partnership in terms of first aid for Covasna County. On this occasion, he reminded about the big health projects supported with hundreds of thousands of Euro by our factory in Reci, both at the Hospital in Târgu Secuiesc and at the one in Sfântu Gheorghe. He pointed out that during the pandemic, in a record time of only three weeks, the company managed to bring a PCR laboratory from the other part of the world that is still of great help to the population of the county.

"We are aware of the importance of a quick and efficient response in emergency situations to save lives and provide quality medical care," added Veronica Beta, the CSR project manager of the company. "We are happy to contribute to the improvement of the health system in Covasna County and to support the community in difficult times."

HS Timber is dedicated to regional responsibility, which entails respecting the community and its people, complying with local legal requirements, and contributing to the sustainable development of the regions where it operates.

Additionally, the company supports initiatives aligned with social, environmental, and R&D goals. Support of and cooperation with social organisations and local initiatives form a strong pillar of the company’s corporate commitment.