HS Timber Group initiative for Romania

Austrian guests visit the HS mills in Romania

Forest owners and managers from Austria spent almost a week visiting Romania between 7 and 12 July, with our mills in Rădăuți and Comănești playing an important role in their extended research trip focused on the Romanian forestry and wood processing industry.

After the mill presentation and tour in Rădăuți, one of the visitors, Michael Gruber said: “We have sawmills and plants of similar sizes in Austria, but they do not have everything under the same roof, as it is your case. The novelty here is that you have integrated other production capacities, such as the pellets factory, so that the raw material is fully processed in the same location.”

In Comăneşti, the visitors were greeted by mill managers Alexandru Agache and Gheorghe Bălțătescu, who spoke about the way local traditions in wood processing turn into a modern and sustainable industry, fit for the third millennium.

During the five days spent in Romania, the forestry professionals visited other wood processing facilities, as well as forests and forest management units and tourist attractions, including the Sucevița Monastery and the “Mocănița” from Vișeu - the steam-powered engine travelling a picturesque forest railway.

At the end of their visit to Romania, which was coordinated by Adrian Dulgheru, Purchasing Director of the Schweighofer Group, Michael Gruber added: “Both blockboards and posts and beams require complex know-how and professionalism. All of us were impressed by the quality and quantity of the goods produced for export, especially for Japan. We appreciate a lot Schweighofer Group’s commitments in Romania and we want to thank both the mills managers and the HS team for a very warm reception.”