HS Timber Group initiative for Romania

Close to the children’s needs in Sâniob, Romania

This spring, our company sponsored the Caritas Foundation - St. Stephen Social Centre with 50 cubic meters of panels from our factory in Siret. Thus, even the few lucky ones can enjoy the warmth of the Holzindustrie Schweighofer products. In the carpentry workshop hosted by the centre, the skilled carpenter of the foundation will create new furniture for the children who live here.

35 km north of Oradea, in the small community of Sâniob, there is a social centre, a project of the "Caritas - St. Stephen Social Center" Foundation under the patronage of the Benedictine Abbey of Melk in Austria. Here, 33 children from families in difficulty benefit of a welcoming home, education, assistance and counselling so that they become healthy, responsible adults.

At the moment, the centre fosters children aged between 7 and 20 in three homes. The hired staff, professional psychologists and educators, try to offer the little ones warmth and attention as in a large family, as well as specialized support.

Over time, Holzindustrie Schweighofer has often been close to the foundation’s needs and funded the purchase of a biomass heating system. For the past five years, the company has provided the pellets needed for a comfortable, warm winter.

Holzindustrie Schweighofer supports social projects in the regions where it carries out its economic activities, but also there where the most vulnerable members of the community receive the help and attention they need at an early age. The Saniob Centre is one of the long-term projects we care about.