HS Timber Group initiative for Romania (hu) HS Timber Group initiative for Romania

Convergence: Strong partnerships are built on common values

An open, transparent relation with our partners is the foundation for any successful collaboration. That’s why we were delighted to receive the Tornator team, who visited last week the HS Reci sawmill.

Apart from visiting the production facilities, the delegation led by Zoltan Kosy (country manager, Tornator Romania) presented the company activities, with a focus on innovation in areas such as monitoring technologies, work safety and complex computer systems for forest management.

Tornator are using drones registered with the civil aeronautics authority for monitoring forested areas under management and has developed interesting apps (“TornaApps”) that integrate complete forestry data on the entire value chain, from the acquisition of forest areas to the sale on stump and delivery from site.

The company supports scientific research and applied education, and has a solid partnership with the University of Brasov, through which students in forestry and harvesting take part in internship programs, extremely valuable for their professional development.

From Holzindustrie Schweighofer, Andrei Zaharia (HS Reci manager) and Adrian Dulgheru (HS purchase director) presented the company profile and internal processes, focusing on the company’s actions for ensuring the traceability of the supply chain. At this point, Timflow took center stage.

The shared commitment to sustainable forest management, the constant drive for innovation and using the most advanced technologies in the wood sector are the coordinates of a model partnership. We can’t wait to return the visit!

About Tornator

In Romania since 2008, Tornator SRL owns about 12,000 ha of wood and manages a total of 27,000 ha with a team of 38. The company owns a FSC® certificate for forestry management since 2017 and supports sustainable forestry through cutting-edge tehnologies (such as drone monitoring and computer apps). Tornator SRL is a subsidiary of Tornator Oyj of Finland. More about the company at www.tornator.ro