From wisdom to virtuosity: with HS Baco Panels, Phronesis guides gifted children in Romania

There are many talented children with an above average intelligence, but it may be that the environment in which they live lacks the resources and guidance necessary for their development. This is not the case for the city of Comănești, one of the localities where we carry out our activity.

In Comănești, Romania, the sound of music can be heard also thanks to the partnership between HS Timber Group's blockboard factory and the Phronesis educational centre.

The centre, run by a group of young enthusiasts, aims to provide children in the region with non-formal educational experiences and workshops that develop their skills.

As part of the Symphronesis project, the blockboard factory equipped a music room with a piano, a guitar, and a saxophone. The centre managed to offer lessons, and even formed a semi-professional choir of 40 children. At the end of the four-month project, a memorable gala evening was held last year to celebrate the children's hard work and musical talents.

“In the philosophy of our company we believe that involvement in educational projects lays the foundation for a stable and healthy community,” says Alexandru Agache, director of the factory in Comăneşti. “That's why the group's factories have supported projects in the field of education for many years.”

In three years of activity, more than 400 children have benefited from Phronesis' workshops and personalised approach. According to volunteer Simion Anăstăsoaie, “many of the children confessed that this was a breath of fresh air for them and they had the chance to develop certain skills that they would not have otherwise had the opportunity to observe and pay attention to in another context.”

Phronesis offers workshops in a variety of subjects, including history, geography, English, personal development, and more. They also offer higher quality workshops in specific areas, such as Cambridge English trainings, individual piano and singing lessons, educational counseling, and even robotics.

The Phronesis educational centre’s target group is children between the ages of 6 and 10, and the values underlying the initiative are freedom, trust, creativity, responsibility, and virtuosity. By offering unique and personalised learning experiences, Phronesis is helping to develop the skills and talents of the next generation of Romania's leaders. And, by supporting initiatives like Phronesis, HS Timber Group is investing in the future of the community it serves.

Learn more about the social responsibility projects supported by HS Timber in Romania in 2022 (blog article)