HS Timber Group’s CSR actions in the context of COVID-19

Responsibility for the regions in which we operate is part of our mission and vision. With our ‘Together!’Initiative, we now make a direct contribution and support the actions of local organizations in the fight against COVID-19. In times like these, social cohesion is needed more than ever, which is why we contribute directly where it is needed. Especially in this unpredictable time where we need to keep spatial distance, socially we move even more closer -Together!

In order to stop the spread of COVID-19 diseases, so far the HS Timber Group supported the local communities where it operates as follows:


  • HS Timber Productions Reci sponsored the Public Health Directorate of Covasna county with protective equipment that include anti-chemical suits, goggles, single use footwear, antibiogram sticks, un-powdered nitrile gloves, protection masks and a molecular biology lab for testing COVID-19 suspect cases. To have a high testing rate is seen as one of the core requirements for an effective fight against the pandemic. The value of the equipment is 119,500 Euro.        
  • HS Timber Productions Rădăuți sponsored the Municipal Hospital Rădăuți, with anti-chemical suits, goggles, antibiogram sticks, un-powdered nitrile gloves, surgical masks, examination gloves, disinfectant detergent for medium level surfaces, combinations with biological risk protection, visor, safety glasses, disposable gowns, caps, single use footwear, contactless thermometers, disinfectant, sanitary alcohol. The value of the equipment is 21,600 Euro

    In addition to the previous sponsorship, HS Timber Productions donated to the St. Doctors Cosma and Damian Municipal Hospital in Rădăuți sanitary supplies worth 31,600 Euro: 13,000 surgical masks, 1.000 examination robes, 5,000 short examination gloves, 450 anti-chemical suits, 3,600 medium examination gloves, 1.000 FFP2 protection masks, 1,000 robes, 150 l disinfectants for hands, 170 l disinfectants for surfaces, 2,000 pairs of single use footwear, 240 l sanitary alcohol, ten contactless thermometers.

    In addition to these donations, The Gerald’s Hotel is offered as support to the medical staff.

  • HS Timber Productions Siret donated 3,000 Euro to Town hall Siret for purchase of food and medicines needed for people isolated at home, disabled people and the elderly. The company has made available for the local authorities, accommodation facilities for the medical staff, for the duration of the state of emergency.
  • HS Timber Productions Sebeș sponsored the Alba County Public Health Directorate with two centrifuges needed for COVID-19 test processing. The value of the equipment is 5,100 Euro.
  • HS BACO Panels sponsored the hospital in Comănești a molecular biology lab for testing COVID-19 suspect cases, because to have a high testing rate is seen as one of the core requirements for an effective fight against the pandemic. The value of the equipment is 114,600 Euro.


In December, HS Timber Group continued its ‘Together!’Initiative, now with a focus on education.

In the current social context, when the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic restricted physical access to schools in Romania, the factories that HS Timber Group operates in Romania join local communities and donated more than 1,000 tablets (including one-year paid Internet subscription) to 32 schools in 13 counties. The beneficiaries of the donation are socially-disadvantaged children who do not have adequate equipment to participate in the online educational process.