HS Timber Group initiative for Romania

Local Partnerships: Bacau Chamber of Commerce and Industry visits HS Baco

Deeply involved in the regions where it activates, Holzindustrie Schweighofer production units are active members of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in order to strengthen industrial partnerships, in line with the stated mission of the company.

Our blockboard factory in Comanesti, Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco, received last week the visit of the College of the Bacau Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who recently decided to keep its meetings throughout the county, for allowing improved mutual knowledge and cooperation of its members.

After the College meeting, the guests – representing several well-known companies in Bacau County – attended a short presentation of our company and visited the production sectors for blockboard and pellets. For the first time inside a Holzindustrie Schweighofer factory, they appreciated the set-up befitting a leader of the wood industry, as well as the modern, low environmental impact technologies and the outstanding working conditions and concern for employees’ health and safety.

Respect for the regions where we activate and care for their general development are core values of the Schweighofer Group. That’s why we are committed to building strong partnerships with the local business community in Bacau County and we are happy to receive them in our home, in line with the stated openness policy of our company. We are convinced that transparent cooperation can strengthen the local economy, with positive impact on the entire community,” said Alexandru Agache, Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco mill manager.

I wanted to continue the meeting of the College of the Chamber with this factory visit because Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco is one of the largest companies in the county, although many people do not know a lot about that. The modern technologies used on the production lines, the jobs they create, their effectiveness and involvement in community projects, and the performance of a young management team that could serve as a good practice example to companies in the sector and not only in the sector. I believe today’s visit will be a good opportunity to consolidate the natural relationships between companies, the members of a business community looking for improved conditions for business development, such as the one in Bacau County”, stated Doru Simovici, president of the Bacau Chamber of Commerce and Industry.