HS Timber Group initiative for Romania

Second year completes for the vocational education project at the Moinesti Technical College

  • The school year ended with 8 weeks of practical training in 4 Holzindustrie Schweighofer mills.
  • All students keep their scholarships, half of them qualify for the larger one, worth 700 lei / month.
  • As a novelty, six of the students requested to be employed at Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco during their vacation.
  • Total investment after the first two years amounts to approx. 160,000 euros.

In August, the students in the vocational education program supported by Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco at the Technical College in Moinesti started a short but well-deserved vacation. Unlike their high-school colleagues, after the completion of the courses, they continued their practical training until the end of July. For the students of the 10K class, this meant eight weeks at the Holzindustrie Schweighofer mills in Comănești, Rădăuți, Sebeș and Reci.

Divided into two groups and accompanied by practical training teachers, the students spent two weeks in each mill to deepen the knowledge gained during the year and apply what they learned under actual working conditions in the units of an industry leader. Under the guidance of Holzindustrie Schweighofer specialists, the future electricians and mechanics took part in activities that strengthened their theoretical notions and stimulated their imagination and ability to solve problems in real time.

Experience and education

For the second consecutive year, the students traveled to the company’s factories to diversify their practical applications according to the specificity of each production unit. At the same time, the eight weeks spent in geographically and culturally diverse areas have been a source of formative experiences that will impress young people. “I would summarize the whole period with two keywords: experience and education. In addition to what we can teach them, us and your colleagues, with regards to the profession they have chosen, they also have experiences that complement their education, at a time when they are preparing to become independent adults. Those who know them can see the changes from one week to the next. They are more attentive, more responsible, more disciplined and we are proud of them,” said Titi Vizitiu, Moinesti Technical College teacher.

According to the vocational education curriculum, practical training has a growing share during the three years of study, increasing from 5 weeks in the first year to 10 weeks in the terminal year. During the training sessions at Holzindustrie Schweighofer, the transportation, accommodation and meals of the students and teachers who guide them are offered by the company.

“I will not miss my vacation”

As a novelty, six of the students have asked this year to be employed at Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco during the school vacation. They will have a reduced program because they are only 17 years old and will continue to work in the electrical and mechanical departments until the start of the classes in September. “I could not wait for the phone and I was very happy to be accepted. It is a great opportunity for us to learn something more, compared to the others. Anyway, I would not have stood idle on vacation, I would have worked at home, I will not miss my vacation. Now I have the chance to learn more,” said Narcis Merlușcă, one of the students who will continue to come to the blockboard factory in August.

About the Schweighofer Scholarships

Since 2016, the “Grigore Cobalcescu” Technical College in Moinești includes a vocational education class supported by Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco from Comănești, the blockboard factory of the Schweighofer Group. The 28 students are preparing for two fundamental qualifications in the productive industry (low voltage electrician and mechanical locksmith).

Within the partnership, the company has so far invested about 160,000 euros to upgrade and endow the school’s electrical workshop and renovate the dorm, as well as for the scholarships offered to the students and to provide the necessary expenses for the annual practical training. Private scholarships are up to 700 lei per month (in addition to the 200 lei / month offered by the Romanian State). Upon completion of the studies, students will be offered employment opportunities in the Holzindustrie Schweighofer units, without being obliged to accept them.

At the same time, Holzindustrie Schweighofer runs a scholarship program for forestry and wood engineering students at universities in Suceava, Brașov and Cluj-Napoca. In the academic year 2017-2018, 24 students from four departments benefited from the 800 lei a month scholarships.