SOLID partnerships: Customers visit Comănești and Reci
An open, transparent relationship with our partners is the foundation for any successful collaboration. That’s why we were delighted to receive a large delegation from Germany and Belgium, who earlier this month visited our blockboard factory in Comanesti, HS Baco, as well as our sawmill in Reci.
The group included 20 current and prospective customers, both producers and resellers, in the furniture and construction industries.
With about three quarters of its production destined for European markets, HS Baco is a true leader in the panels sector. Our products, sold under the SOLID brand, are praised for their quality and versatility, with our Sales and Production teams working closely together to meet specific demands from our customers.
Now, our visitors had the opportunity to follow through our production processes, starting at HS Reci with the softwood timber which will eventually form the blockboard cores. At Comănești, where the Schweighofer Group has invested 30 million Euro in technology and the professional development of the staff, they could see why our products stand out in a highly competitive market.
During their entire trip, which included briefly sightseeing in beautiful Brașov, the guests were accompanied by our agents in Germany - Thomas and Olivier Broszeit - as well as by representatives of the Sales Department – Bogdan Ababei, the HS Baco Sales Manager, and Lavinia Pârvan.
“Germany has quite a rich tradition in using blockboards for a wide range of applications,” said Thomas Broszeit. “Blockboard is very commonly used, and the Baco blockboards are praised for their qualities. It’s a terrific opportunity for the customers to see for themselves how they are really produced, and realize the state-of-the-art technologies operating in Comănești,” he added.
Throughout their visit, our partners praised the state-of-the art technology employed in our mills, the hard work and dedication of our colleagues, and the thorough quality assessment processes that ensure we live to our company’s motto: perfection in timber!
“It is the fourth visit organized by our friends from Germany, in just as many years, and to us it’s extremely valuable, because it allows direct feedback from our customers at each step of the process, not mediated by phone or email or other technology,” said Bogdan Ababei. “We were able to answer questions on the spot, to show what the production capabilities really are and how we tackle any challenge they put before us. This kind of interaction between people sharing the same passion really brings out new ideas, new opportunities,” he added.
They were impressed by the state-of-the-art technology employed - here, visiting the largest blockboard press in the factory.