HS Timber Group initiative for Romania

This spring, blossoms open in Rădăuți

Spring started with a practical training programme at Holzindustrie Schweighofer in Rădăuți, with ten students at the Ștefan cel Mare University in Suceava dipping their toes into the production process at the sawmill.

As a result of a convention between the company, the education institution and the Suceava Chamber of Commerce and Industry, through the Learn by Doing – INDIP programme, the students will spend 100 hours working in the company, at the end of which they would get a better idea of how the production flow works in the sawmill, as well as what is really done by all the departments part of the programme.

Sorina Răuțu, human resources manager at the Rădăuți sawmill, points out: “Through our involvement in this programme we want to be closer to the youngsters who will soon become our colleagues. It is important that students approach a potential employer even since early university years, to set their expectations realistically with regards to the beginning of their careers, in line with their expertise and training.”

Most young people wish for a speedy career development “but, at the same time, it is essential they take things one step at a time. Experience and, implicitly, interpersonal communication abilities in the business environment as well as abilities to coordinate activities are built in stages,” added Sorina Răuțu.

The second year and Master’s students at the Faculty of Economy will mainly interact with the human resources, health and safety, accounting, logistics, sales and billing departments. At the end of 100 hours, they will produce a written report on the themes coordinated by their university tutors. During the programme, the employer provided all support and practical training for the students, offers modern working conditions, transport and a hot meal.

“We expect the students to make full use of the 100 hours at their disposal, more precisely, to learn from the professionals. We want them to be curious, to get involved and to show they are interested,” continued the human resources manager.

Depending on how they perform during their practice training, but also on their skills and vacancies, at the end of the programme the students may get a job at Holzindustrie Schweighofer Rădăuți.

The Schweighofer Group places high importance of training the youth and supports vocational and university education programmes. To this end, the company provides studying scholarships, renovates and endows research laboratories, offers construction materials to improve the teaching resources, facilitates access to its sawmills to all interested students and supports after-school endeavours.

Starting this autumn, the Lațcu Vodă Technical High School in Siret will see <link no_cache en press news detail holzindustrie-schweighofer-supports-dual-vocational-education-in-siret.html>a new class of dual vocational education. Since 2014, the company also supports students at the forestry and wood engineering who have shown real abilities for innovation and performance. In the current university year, 20 students at the faculties from universities in Suceava, Brașov and Cluj-Napoca, receive monthly scholarships amounting to 800 lei.


About the INDIP Programme

The main objective of the Learn by doing! INDIP project is to develop human resources through increasing the use of information technology and communication, creating practice training environments within universities and facilitating access to learning activities within a potential future employment place (practical training stages), with the aim of facilitating the access to the job market of university graduates, for a number of 250 students enrolled in the national educational system.

More details: https://practicasv.ro