A new EIA trailer – what are the facts?

Holzindustrie Schweighofer believes that not everything what happens in Romania’s forests is bad and wrong although the video recently launched by EIA leaves that impression. Regrettably, the facts mentioned in the 3 minutes trailer from EIA are no new facts and the video does not come up with any solution.

We well acknowledge the basic fact that Romanian logging sector still must be improved by means to fight and minimalize illegal logging. Holzindustrie Schweighofer is the first processor in the wood industry implementing a GPS tracking system which allows us to determine and cross-reference the original loading place of wood. We will be able to check at our gates the origin of the delivered logs if coming directly from forests – we are able to cross-check the delivery to the respective APV. This system will be mandatory to all direct deliveries to Holzindustrie Schweighofer mills.

We believe this is an important step in the right direction which underlines Holzindustrie Schweighofer efforts to improve its control systems.

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