Biofuel on the fast lane – HS Timber Group pellets with constant market share in a growing segment

  • HS Timber Group maintains position as market leader in pellets production in Romania
  • Demand/consumption of pellets in Romania increases significantly
  • HS Timber Group pellets are an environmentally friendly energy source and alternative to fossil fuels

Pellets are a sustainable biofuel with increasing market share. HS Timber Group recognizes an increasing demand for pellets, especially in Romania. More and more households switch from fossil fuels to environmentally friendly wood pellets. Pellets are sustainable, in particular made of by-products from wood processing. All HS Timber Group factories have integrated pellet plants where we use “wood waste” like shavings, sawdust and chips to produce “green fuel”.

A certified production process combined with third party quality monitoring ensures a constant thermic quality of HS Timber Group pellets. HS Timber Group pellets are certified according to EN PLUS A1 and DIN Plus which guarantees a high calorific value (≥ 4,8 KW/kg) and a low ash content (≤ 0,5 %), especially because the raw material is coming only from softwood.

Our continuous production of high-quality timber products guarantees also a constant production capacity for wood pellets. All the above have contributed to a significant expansion of HS Timber Group pellets' market position, especially in Romania.

Romania is one of our main markets for HS Timber Group pellets products. The increase in newly constructed buildings and the rising economic status of the population result in the increased installation of pellet-based heating systems, combined with the focus on sustainable and climate-friendly alternatives in heating systems. The use of wood pellets, in contrast to firewood, allows a much better dosage of energy demand, which leads to higher efficiency.

In the past three years, the demand for pellets has more than doubled. HS Timber Group services the local market first. With this approach, HS Timber Group has been able to secure its position as market leader in Romania with a constant market share of around 44%. The trend is expected to continue in the coming years. Other important sales markets for the pellet products of HS Timber Group’s companies are Italy, Greece and Austria.

HS Timber Group pellets score with a consistently very good quality. This avoids excessive soot formation and deposits and facilitates the maintenance of heating systems. At the same time, many dealers rely on HS Timber Group as a reliable partner for quality and supply security.

HS Timber Group is committed to sustainability and sustainable use of all resources. Our sawmills process 100% of the wood and our pellet production facilities are directly connected to the sawmills of HS Timber Group, we have a production capacity of 710,000 tonnes per year. “We only use sawdust, chips and shavings – residues from the production process - to produce climate-neutral fuel - pellets and briquettes. The company commits to and focuses on the sustainable use of wood as a resource and ensures that every log is processed to 100 % and used sustainably, whether in construction, or as heating system. As a matter of fact, the sourcing of our wood undergoes strict security measures in order to ensure sustainability of all our input. This is how we are an integral part of a circular economy system”, explains Dan Bănacu, General Manager of HS Timber Productions in Romania.

For further details:
Gaisberg Consulting GmbH
M: +43 664 88 44 64 27