Education is a certain investment in our future

With considerable emotion and enthusiasm, the children have participated on Monday at the opening ceremony of the new school year. But some of them were not so lucky, being on this day on the hospital bed.

For those for whom 12th of September was a day spent in the pediatric unit of the hospitals of Rădăuţi and Siret, the Holzindustrie Schweighofer employees have prepared schoolbags with all the necessary items: colored crayons, watercolors, markers, complete pencil boxes, notebooks, coloring books for the smaller children and literature books and dictionaries for the elders.

The Holzindustrie Schweighofer employees visited children in the two hospitals mentioned above, by thus marking the 12th day of September through a solidarity gesture. This visit initiative is part of the comprehensive social responsibility program, which aims to support ambitious projects in the social, educational and healthcare fields, in communities where the company is present through its productions units.

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