Holzindustrie Schweighofer: Constant improvement of robust due diligence system for wood deliveries in Romania – offer of cooperation to NGOs

  • Voluntary commitment not to process wood from national parks, even from areas where harvesting is legally permitted
  • “Timflow” wood tracking system transparently monitors the supply chain
  • Strict due diligence systems for log yards – pilot projects to further strengthen transparency
  • Holzindustrie Schweighofer processes about 6% of Romania's total annual timber harvest, imports about 60% of the wood it processes in Romania from abroad

Holzindustrie Schweighofer, one of Europe’s leading wood processors, with three saw mills and two panel factories in Romania, introduced an extensive action plan for a sustainable timber industry in Romania already in January 2017. Since the company does not harvest any wood itself, but buys it from its suppliers, its aim is to ensure that only legally harvested wood is processed. Moreover, the company has made a voluntary commitment not to process any wood originating from national parks. This commitment also includes areas of national parks (“buffer zones”) where harvesting is explicitly permitted by law. Holzindustrie Schweighofer processes around 6% of Romania’s total annual timber harvest. In 2017, about 60% of the wood processed by the company in Romania was imported from abroad (from Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and other countries).

Holzindustrie Schweighofer has invested a total of € 1 million in this security architecture, which the company continuously improves in close consultation with the public and environmental NGOs.

More details can be found in the attached press release.