Holzindustrie Schweighofer Group to be renamed the HS Timber Group

  • The holding company in Vienna will now be called HS Timber Group
  • Production sites will operate under the names HS Timber Productions and HS Baco Panels
  • The Group’s ownership structure, independence and organizational structure will not change
  • The change in name and soft relaunch of the brand appearance reflect the internationality of operations: www.hs.at
  • The claim “Perfection in Timber” will remain a core element
  •  Continuation of the principle of open, transparent communication – dialogue with the public remains a priority

The Holzindustrie Schweighofer Group, one of Europe’s leading wood processing companies which exports to over 70 countries, is getting a new name and look with a soft relaunch of its brand appearance: the Holzindustrie Schweighofer Group will become the HS Timber Group. Going forward, the Group’s production units – its three sawmills and one solid wood panels factory in Romania (Sebeș, Rădăuți, Reci, Siret) plus the German sawmill (Kodersdorf) – will be operated under the name HS Timber Productions. The Romanian blockboard factory in Comănești will go by the name HS Baco Panels.

There is a clear logic behind the new name – the name of the Group should be easy for people of other nationalities to understand and pronounce. “HS Timber Group” satisfies this requirement and is intended to promote the companies international operations.“Timber“ is the raw material from which the Group’s high-quality products are made, while “HS“ keeps the figurative mark of the original name “Holzindustrie Schweighofer” and serves as a bridge linking the old and new names. The claim “Perfection in Timber” remains part of the brand appearance, representing the Group’s continuous endeavours to give its best for its customers, suppliers and employees and to get better every day.

The change in name will not affect the Group’s ownership structure, independence or organizational structure: the HS Timber Group and hence its subsidiaries, HS Timber Productions and HS Baco Panels, will remain under the umbrella of the Evergreen Private Foundation (formerly the Schweighofer Private Foundation). Gerald Schweighofer will continue to bring his know-how, management expertise and passion for wood to the Group. The Group’s commitment to open, transparent communication and dialogue with the public remains a top priority and has become one of its guiding principles.

The corresponding changes will now be implemented in the coming weeks. The HS Timber Group firmly believes that the strong values of a long-established company combined with an attractive new corporate design and a name that is easy for people of different nationalities to understand and pronounce will provide a solid platform for international operations.

More details: press release (pdf)