Holzindustrie Schweighofer increases its involvement in planting actions

To mark the Tree Planting Month this year, the company has planted about 40,000 seedlings, in the areas where it operates its mills and factories. As a sign of its commitment to a sustainable forestry and timber industry in Romania, Holzindustrie Schweighofer continues to take responsibilities beyond its sphere of activities, such as the enhanced security architecture and the GPS monitoring system for log deliveries, Timflow, and now has increased its involvement in planting actions.

One of the most recent actions took place in county Harghita at Zetea Forest District. The working process lasted one week, in the first days of May. An area of 5 ha has been reforested, with a total number of 20,000 spruce seedlings. All the costs (seedlings, working force) were supported by Holzindustrie Schweighofer. Apart from the financial support, a team of volunteers from Reci sawmill have joined forces with students from “Venczel Jozsef” Vocational High School (Miercurea Ciuc) and planted together 3,000 seedlings. By this project were funded forest owners, who were in difficulty to regenerate these areas.

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