Holzindustrie Schweighofer Romania takes steps to integrate Campusel forests into Retezat National Park

  • Primary and old growth forests owned by the Schweighofer Group were evaluated – quasi virgin forest was identified in the area of Campusel - region shall be placed under long-term protection
  • Campusel (Retezat Mountains) to be integrated into the National park of Retezat and Domogled-Valea Cernei

Holzindustrie Schweighofer Romania is committed to preserve primary and old growth forests in Romania. Independent experts have evaluated – among others – the company’s forest ‘Campusel’ in Romania. This study identified around 83.8 ha of precious quasi virgin forest and an ecological significance of the whole area. According to previous studies carried out by Agent Green scientists, such forests are of significant importance for biodiversity, serving as a key habitat and wildlife corridor for many large mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects.

Retezat is the home of all bat species living in Romania. Two bat species have previously not been observed in Romania. The area of Campusel is a very important habitat for brown bear and lynx as well as a wildlife corridor for deer, chamoix, boar and wolves. The property is situated directly in between the two National Parks Domogled-Valea Cernei and Retezat and connects these two protected areas.

In a conclusive meeting with Agent Green in the frame of a dialogue over the past 10 years, Holzindustrie Schweighofer Romania decided today to integrate Campusel into the National Park of Retezat and Domogled-Valea Cernei. The next steps will be to ask the authorities and other stakeholders for their support and identify the necessary steps for such a project.

With this commitment the company wants to underline once again its mission to do everything within its means to secure the precious natural heritage in Romania and to show that a sustainable timber industry is compatible with this effort.

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