HS Baco Panels cares for the big needs of the small ones in Valea Trotuşului, Romania

We have a tradition to get involved in the regions where we operate, in social, environmental and forward-looking projects that have a positive impact in the local community.

At Comăneşti, Romania, where we operate the HS Baco Panels blockboard factory, we are a reliable partner for the Robert Cole Association. Children with disabilities, who are from disadvantaged families whose incomes are insufficient to cover the minimum educational needs, receive active support at the day center.

The activity at Robert Cole Association improves community services and is a project cherished by the HS Baco Panels team and that is why the company provides for part of the monthly expenses of the association.

We spoke with Tatiana Cristina Chirilă, the director of the association, about what the needs of a child with disabilities mean and which is the role of the local community in their development.


How is it recommended to behave towards a child with disabilities?

The child with disabilities must be considered a part of society. We cannot hide them, they do not need our pity, but our support, allowing them to live among other children, as an integral part of the community.

A child with disabilities is a person like all the others, but we are speaking about a small person who has great needs. The therapists at our center conduct daily therapy with these children and monitor weekly the implementation of the individual intervention plan and good practices and techniques of childcare.

The abilities of these children are different, but their needs are the same as any child's: to be accepted, understood, to enjoy playing and friends, to communicate with us. It is essential to help and integrate these children into their own families, kindergartens, schools and the community.

How does the Robert Cole Association bring change to children's lives?

For over 25 years, we have been pursuing our mission of preventing the abandonment and institutionalisation of children. We help over 75 children in Valea Trotușului every month.

We provide care, education, empowerment-rehabilitation, recreation-networking, counseling, development of independent life skills, school and professional guidance services. for these children, as well as support, counseling, education activities for parents or their legal representatives.

The progress of each child brings hope, trust, moral support and is transparent through everything we do here and through everything we invest morally and intellectually. Educating the child with disabilities is the safest way to bring change in the society in which we currently live. The joy of children's progress is our joy. Expressed in percentages, the progress is in the range of 50%.

You offer these children the feeling that there are people for whom they matter.

Over the years, the HS Baco Panels factory has provided us with support for educational, therapeutic, and recreational activities. Thus, together, we manage to bring a smile to those who are in such great need, but also the feeling that there are people for whom they matter.

The Robert Cole Association thanks you for supporting the neediest among us. We are grateful for the help you provide to our beneficiaries, their children, and their families.

We believe that a thing done from the heart is never in vain and paraphrasing A. Earhart, "A simple act of kindness spreads our roots in all directions, and these roots come to life and give birth to new trees."

We strive every day to nurture these roots, seeking to plant them in a place surrounded by useful advice and quality people, people who can really help them develop and we to discover the miracle of the birth of these children. Plans for the future? To be good, to be wise.