HS Timber Group joins local communities in the fight to contain the spread of COVID-19

  • The company donates over 260.000 Euro worth of equipment to hospitals in Covasna, Suceava and Bacău counties
  • Contributions focus on the most effective measures to fight the pandemic: testing equipment
  • Sanitary supplies are made available to medical professionals
  • Beneficiaries: The Dr. Fogolyán Kristóf County Emergency Hospital in Sfântu Gheorghe, the Ioan Lascăr Municipal Hospital in Comănești, the St. Doctors Cosma and Damian Municipal Hospital in Rădăuți, the Covasna Public Health Directorate, the Alba Public Health Directorate and the Siret Town Hall


True to the motto “Together!”, all HS Timber Group factories operating in Romania, join the local authorities to support their efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19.


The company has donated two molecular biology laboratories to the hospitals in Sfântu Gheorghe and Comănești, with a total value of 230,000 Euro. This is in addition to the already donated 23,000 units of sanitary supplies for prevention measures, sent to the medical units in Sfântu Gheorghe and Rădăuți, with a total value of over 25,000 Euro. Moreover, in the town of Siret, the company has made available for the local authorities, accommodation facilities for the medical staff, on the duration of the state of emergency, while in the Alba county it donated two centrifuges for test processing at the Alba Public Health Directorate’s laboratory.


”We always work closely with the communities in which we operate. Therefore, it is a matter of course for us to look for solutions together and to offer our support in the fight against COVID-19, which is an exceptional situation that applies to all of us," said Dan Banacu, general manager of HS Timber Productions in Romania. "With our ‘Together!’ initiative, we make a direct contribution and support the actions of local organisations in the fight against COVID-19. In times like these, social cohesion is needed more than ever, which is why we make a contribution where it is needed directly."


András-Nagy Róbert, the manager of the Dr. Fogolyán Kristóf Emergency County Hospital in Sfântu Gheorghe explains: “The molecular biology laboratory helps to diagnose COVID-19 faster, and by installing this line we bring the tests closer to Sfântu Gheorghe. If, until now, after collecting the samples we had to wait for the test results for a few days, by using this device the result comes in two - maximum four hours, with a probability of 100%." The manager added that the equipment can be used to diagnose other medical conditions, not only in the case of COVID-19 and that, when the current crisis ends, it will be useful to several medical specialties from the hospital.


On the other hand, the HS Timber Productions sawmill in Reci responded positively to the Covasna Public Health Directorate's request and has so far provided 500 unpowdered nitrile examination gloves, 136 anti-chemical suits, 100 pairs of single use footwear, 100 antibiogram sticks, 100 protective glasses, 100 FFP1 respiratory protection masks with filter and valve, while other materials will be donated in the near future.


A special attention was given to the St. Doctors Cosma and Damian Municipal Hospital in Rădăuți, as it became a support hospital in Suceava county and medical emergencies are redirected here. HS Timber Productions Rădăuți has donated 10,000 latex gloves, 1,000 un-powdered nitrile examination gloves, 2,000 surgical masks, 510 antibiogram sticks, 250 anti-chemical suits, disinfectants, 100 visors, 450 protective glasses, 1,500 examination robes, 3,000 caps and 3,500 pairs of single use footwear.


In Siret, the local authorities carry out – through the Social Assistance Directorate - social assistance activities for those isolated at home, persons with disabilities and elderly, to whom it delivers food and medicines. The HS Timber Productions Siret panel factory sponsored these activities targeting to the most vulnerable members of the community with 3,000 Euro and, at the same time, has made two houses it owns available to the local authorities. These will be used if necessary, to accommodate medical staff during the state of emergency.


The HS Timber Productions sawmill in Sebeș donated to the Alba Public Health Directorate the specialized equipment needed to diagnose COVID-19 cases in the DSP Alba laboratory, worth almost 3,500 Euro.


The support provided by HS Timber Group, in the context of the crisis generated by COVID-19 will continue in all local communities. The initiative is a part of the corporate social responsibility programme, aimed at supporting ambitious projects in the social, education, health and environmental fields, especially in the communities where the Group is present through its production units. Especially in this unpredictable time where we need to keep spatial distance, socially we move even more closer – Together!