HS Timber Group’s open and transparent reaction to two reports, broadcast on Al Jazeera and BR TV

Both reports cover the situation in the Romanian forests. HS Timber Group draws attention to two main aspects:


Romanian forests are growing in stock and absolute surface.

Contrary to both reports which insinuate that the Romanian forest is disappearing, and which connect the activities of HS Timber Group to this issue, a fact-based analysis from the national wood inventory shows, that the Romanian forest is growing.

HS Timber Group always commits to sustainable forestry and has implemented an Action Plan to ensure a secure and sustainable supply chain that goes far beyond all legal requirements. As a private company, we cannot and do not wish to replace the government’s role, but we will do everything we can in our sphere of influence to support an effective fight against illegal logging. If we encounter irregularities in the supply chain, we take immediate action. Non-compliant suppliers are suspended from our supply chain.


HS Timber Group has a strong and continuously enhanced security architecture.

Both reports repeat old and partly anonymous accusations against HS Timber Group ranging from purchasing illegal wood to illicit actions at roundwood auctions. HS Timber Group vehemently oppose these accusations or allegations.

HS Timber Group has implemented a strict Due Diligence System (DDS), to secure sustainability and legality in its supply chain. The DDS is based on risk analyses depending on purchasing areas, strict verification of all origin documents and additional on-site checks of suppliers.

Furthermore, the company has its own timber tracing system in place. TIMFLOW tracks every transport made to HS Timber Productions' sawmills and the details are available to the public. Trucks without TIMFLOW equipment are not allowed to enter HS Timber Productions sawmills.

Furthermore, HS Timber Group commits to an open and transparent dialogue with NGOs, the media and authorities. The Action Plan and activities in supply chain control and certification fulfil all legal requirements and beyond. Continuous internal assessments and external audits ensure an ongoing improvement process.


HS Timber Group clearly distances itself from all allegations that link the company to capital crimes. It is a matter of course that HS Timber Group will not accept to be brought into the context of such acts.