HS Timber Productions update regarding COVID-19 situation

HS Timber Group values the health and safety of its employees and of the communities we activate in. Despite the extensive measures to protect our staff and their families, we have the deepest regret to inform that one of our colleagues from the mill in Rădăuți has been tested positive for coronavirus and, unfortunately, fell victim to COVID-19. We express our heartfelt condolences to the family of the victim and give all our support toward them. Our colleague’s last day at work was on March 28. He was 48 years old.

As a precautionary measure and as imposed by the authorities’ safety rules, the seven co-workers which had direct contact with the deceased are in self-isolation. The respective colleagues are from our mill in Rădăuți.

Immediate supplementary measures have been taken in Rădăuți and all factories in order to prevent any contamination: 

  • Public Health Directorate (DSP) has been informed by the employees and by the management of the respective mill;
  • All production halls and work spaces have been immediately disinfected – in detail – up to each work station;
  • The information of the persons with whom the colleague has come in direct contact were sent to the Public Health Directorate (DSP) in view of isolating them alongside their family members, as they are in-house contacts. 
  • The family doctor of the colleague in direct contact has taken all legal reporting measures in regards to the Public Health Directorate;
  • Public Health Directorate (DSP) Suceava communicated that only direct contacts go into self-isolation, all other staff in the shift being allowed to return to work;
  • The company has given the employees the option to choose not to come at work, should they be worried or feel unsafe.

The other measures our company has taken from the beginning of the pandemic are as follows: 

  • All the employees were constantly informed about prevention measures with guiding instructions and information about how to protect themselves and their families at the workplace and at home. 
  • All employees were constantly briefed about measures taken by Romanian Authorities on the matter and have received info about official sources of information.
  • Shifts have been organized in order to minimize contact between team members and reduce contamination risks. 
  • Strict protocols for complying with hygiene new rules and social distancing have been implemented in our mills. 
  • All employees who can work from home have been allowed and encouraged to do so. 
  • We have immediately granted the leave child supervision during the suspension of courses during the state of emergency to the colleagues who have requested it.

HS Timber Group offers support to all colleagues and their families in such times of need. “I am deeply sadden for such a tragedy and I assure our colleague’s family that we stand by them in such difficult times and in the fight against this terrible virus. We have been actively supporting the local communities and authorities with sanitary equipment to help prevent the spreading of the virus and we will intensify our efforts in the weeks to come,” said Dan Banacu, HS Timber Productions general manager. HS Timber Group donated health care equipment of over 1.2 million lei to hospitals from Covasna, Suceava and Bacău, and will continue to support local communities in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

HS Timber Productions thanks all its employees which continue to work. It’s a huge team effort we all do in a responsible way and following all legislation in place. In such tense times it’s important to offer jobs and continue the company activity so the 2700 employees in Romania can get fully paid and the State doesn’t get burdened with additional expenses.

HS Timber Productions strongly discourages any attempts to publicly use such a tragic event for any reason and addresses all public stakeholders with the request to maintain the dignified attitude imposed by such an adversity.