New Managing Director at Holzindustrie Schweighofer in Kodersdorf

Frank Badeda (37) joins the management board of Holzindustrie Schweighofer GmbH in Kodersdorf on 3 April 2018. Together with the entire Holzindustrie Schweighofer team and the mill managers Thomas Kienz and Jan Krause, he will work to strengthen the mill’s competitiveness and to promote its expansion.

The Schweighofer Group is pleased to welcome Frank Badeda, a recognised expert in the timber industry, who was most recently mill manager of the Ilim Timber Bavaria GmbH in Landsberg am Lech. Mr. Badeda will be based in Kodersdorf where he will use his knowledge and experience to continue on the company’s growth path together with the mill management. 

Frank Badeda: “I am very much looking forward to my new role in Kodersdorf and am convinced that we will successfully tackle future tasks as a strong team.”

Increased value-added, additional jobs
The sawmill in Kodersdorf has been part of the Austrian Schweighofer Group since 2015. To increase the value addition at the site, Holzindustrie Schweighofer is planning to significantly upgrade the sawmill’s product range. During the next two years, the company will invest around 30 million Euros in further processing and kiln drying. Thus, in addition to lumber and planned timber products, the sawmill in Kodersdorf will also produce glued laminated timber in the future which is especially used in the Japanese housing construction sector.

Further details