Schweighofer Group actively protects old growth forests and natural treasures

  • Expert team identified more than 430 ha of quasi virgin forests on forest land owned by Schweighofer Group
  • The area will be progressively reported to the forest guard for the inclusion into the national catalogue of quasi-virgin forest

In spring this year Holzindustrie Schweighofer commissioned a study to evaluate its own forest land on the prevalence of old growth forests – so called quasi-virgin forests. The Schweighofer Group currently owns 14,666 hectares of forest in Romania. “The study was an important outcome of our structured dialogue with Agent Green and other NGOs in recent times and is fully in line with the new company policy which explicitly highlights the role of protecting biodiversity for our company” explains Michael Proschek-Hauptmann, Head of Compliance and Sustainability. The identification of quasi virgin forests and other high conservation value forests  happened at the recommendation of the local NGO Agent Green.

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