Timflow knows exactly where the timber comes from – for 4 years already!

Timflow, the wood traceability system developed by HS Timber Group, celebrates four years of operation.

"After four years and over 123,000 transports registered in Timflow, we are proud to have massively increased supply chain security and that we contributed to the common effort to fight against illegal logging in Romania," says Adrian Lucan, manager of the Supply Chain Control and Certification Department within HS Timber Productions.

What is Timflow and how does it work?

Timflow is a GPS-based wood traceability monitoring system. Through this, all HS Timber Productions’ sawmills in Romania ensure that every transport in the country that reaches their gates is monitored - from the initial place of loading to the mill gates. Each truck is equipped with a GPS device and accurately records the routes of log trucks.

All suppliers have a mobile terminal with which they register in the system transport data such as the waybill, the SUMAL code, identification data of the means of transport and photos of the load at the time of loading. At the mill gate, this type of information is checked whether or not it corresponds with the initial data.

Timflow is not limited to the company’s supply chain control and certification team. True to HS Timber Group’s policy of transparency and openness, Timflow can be accessed online or from a mobile device by anyone, free of charge. To access the data provided by Timflow, users only need to set up an account on www.timflow.com. Transports can be searched by selecting a calendar date and an unloading point.

What users can check via Timflow:

  • all transports in the country from the last 12 months which have reached the gates of HS Timber Productions’ sawmills in Romania;
  • information on transport documents;
  • photos of the cargo;
  • truck routes;
  • in addition, users can request copies of the transport documents.

With the help of Timflow, HS Timber Group ensures that all shipments are legal, meet the requirements of the Due Diligence system and that the loaded timber does not originate in national parks.

Timflow is an important part of HS Timber Group's Due Diligence system and strongly supports the group's efforts to reduce the risk of non-compliant timber in the supply chain.

Key figures:

Total trucks equipped with GPS: 1,207

Total registered shipments (April 2017 - April 2021): 123,987

Total registered transports (January 2021 - April 2021): 11,613

Number of users: 422

Access www.timflow.com today to know exactly where the timber comes from!