“Tomorrow’s Forest” continues: over 6,300 seedlings in National Park Calimani, Romania

  • On May 12th, The ”Tomorrow’s Forest" project organized the most extensive volunteering activity in National Park Calimani
  • 6,340 fir, spruce and larch seedlings  were planted
  • Impressive mobilization: almost 600 volunteers

On 12th of May, ”Tomorrow’s Forest"  brought together almost 600 volunteers who helped to reforest a surface of 2 hectares of land with 6,340 seedlings of fir, spruce and larch, situated in the National Park Calimani, in Poiana Negrii, Suceava County.

The “Tomorrow’s Forest" project was launched in September 2017 as a partnership between the Association of Forest Administrators, the “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava and Holzindustrie Schweighofer, to help private and community forest owners regenerate degraded forest areas.

At that beginning of the project 4.7 hectares were planted with over 21,000 seedlings at Poieni-Solca, Suceava County and this year in spring 142,640 seedlings will be planted on 34.9 ha in Maramures, Bistrița-Nasaud, Brasov, Suceava, Harghita and Covasna counties. ”Tomorrow’s Forest” supports small owners and provides seedlings, planting material, logistics, volunteers and specialists, covering all costs. Tomorrow’s Forest actions take place with the support of Holzindustrie Schweighofer. The company will invest € 1 million to plant 1 million trees during the 7 years of the project.              

Local community members, volunteers from all over the county, Vatra Dornei Mountain Rescue, Vatra Dornei Youth Organization and Holzindustrie Schweighofer employees from Radauti and Siret joined the planting event. All helpers were technically supervised by the specialists from Private Management Unit Dorna, Forestry Direction Suceava through Management Unit Dorna Candrenilor, and also by the Administration of National Park Calimani.

"Călimani National Park has an internal zoning: a full protection area where there is absolutely no intervention and a buffer zone that tries to limit the impact of anthropic activities on the integral protection area. Today we are in the buffer zone and through the activity we are pursuing we aim to support nature in its steps to re-occupy its land. Local seedlings are used instead of saplings brought from elsewhere, so that the chance of gripping is very high," said Mr. Dan Grigoroaea, ranger within the Park.

Ionuț Apostol, project manager: “I am glad that this spring we came back to Bucovina and that together we give life to a new forest. It is impressive that almost 600 people joined us here today who believe in the aim of our project and that we can help nature together. It is gratifying that so many young people willing to learn about the forest have joined us in these actions, get involved and be an example to everyone around us.”

Apart from the environmental aspect, the project has also an educational part and therefore eight high-schools and a University from Suceava County have shown interest and joined the event.

"We are glad that today so many people have the opportunity to be together. It is an extraordinary chance to share our passion for the forest twith the youngest and we are glad that both pupils and students at the University of Suceava joined us. Although, of course, there are many opinions about the fact that we have less forest, we are aware that in such situations, however, this idea is beginning to become less prominent. We should also see this less visible part of forestry - the fact that many regeneration works are being carried out, and this is a constant concern of the foresters and this is implemented continuously. We hope that through Tomorrow's Forest project we will induce this idea that the forest is permanent, it is a renewable resource that can be used in a sustainable and responsible manner for many years now," said Mr. Ciprian Palaghianu, project director from "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Faculty of Forestry.

The 2-hectare area in Poiana Negrii, is under private ownership, and it has been affected in recent years by natural calamities. The reforestation project was developed by the Private Management Unit Dorna, which administers the area and will supervise completion and maintenance works for the installation of a healthy forest in the next coming years.

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