”Tomorrow’s Forest” Project reforests 10 hectares in Dumbrăvița

  • First planting session of the year for ”Tomorrow`s Forest” project took place on 14th of April 2018 in Dumbrăvița, Brașov County (Romania)
  • 50,000 oak, ash and sycamore seedlings
  • More than 200 volunteers helping out
  • A continuation of village hall efforts to turn the area back into forest

On 14th of April ”Tomorrow`s Forest” Project gathered more than 200 volunteers that helped out with the reforestation of 10 hectares in Dumbrăvița, Brașov County. People from the local community joined forestry students from the Transilvania University of Brașov, forestry professionals, volunteers coming from different parts of the county and Holzindustrie Schweighofer staff from the Reci and Sebeș sawmills to plant a part of the 50,000 sessile oak, ash and sycamore seedlings. The ”Tomorrow’s Forest” project was launched in September 2017 as a partnership between the Association of Forest Administrators, the “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava and Holzindustrie Schweighofer, to help private and community forest owners regenerate degraded forest areas.

This Tomorrow’s Forest area was turned into pasture in 1950-1960 and land use was changed back to forest in 2004, with no funds provided for reforestation at the time. The Village Hall managed to plant 16 hectares of oak and ash in 2016-2017 and Tomorrow’s Forest takes these efforts a step forward.

The reforestation project was developed by the Măieruș Forest Management Unit, which administers the area and will supervise completion and maintenance works contracted to a specialised reforestation company for the entire duration of the restoration project, 2018-2023.

“The Dumbrăvița reforestation project is the first of six sites selected for this year in Tomorrow’s Forest. It will be followed by areas in Suceava, Maramureș, Bistrița-Năsăud, Covasna and Harghita counties, scheduled according to weather conditions. The Dumbrăvița site is unlike most others in our project, as it is not a case where we help restore a forest taken down by wind, insects, fire or lack of specialized care. Nevertheless, what better way to congratulate a local community and administration for having planted 16 hectares than by helping with an extension of the new oak forest”, said Ionuț Apostol, Tomorrow’s Forest project manager.

Until now, over 21,000 seedlings have been planted and this year 142,640 more seedlings will be planted on 34.9 ha. ”Tomorrow’s Forest” supports small owners and provides seedlings, planting material, logistics, volunteers and specialists, covering all costs. Tomorrow’s Forest actions take place with the support of Holzindustrie Schweighofer. The company will invest 1 Million euro to plant 1 Million trees during the 7 years of the project.

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