HS Timber Group initiative for Romania

Light of hope: Supporting our friends at the Maria Ward Centre

The Maria Ward Social Centre in Rădăuți, by the I.S.E.A. Association, is where destinies are changed for the better.

Every day, the sisters in the Congregatio Jesu, together with the personnel and the volunteers of the Centre, care for about 50 children coming from vulnerable families in Rădăuți and neighbouring communities. Here, the religious beliefs or ethnic minority do not matter, and smiles, help with homework and hot meals are shared equally and lovingly. Moreover, the children’s families receive support and counselling from the Centre, in order to prevent dropping out of school and family abandonment.

Because it is strongly rooted in the community, Holzindustrie Schweighofer understood from the beginning how positive an impact the I.S.E.A. Association has on the locals. That’s why, in line with the company’s principles of social involvement, it has supported throughout the years the activities at Maria Ward and even financed the construction of a new building (inaugurated in 2014), as well as various extensions and a sports court, for a total investment of 2 million lei.

Social Start-up in Rădăuți

While the Centre has always been supported through sponsorships, the management now wishes to take their fate into their own hands and ensure the long-term financing of their activities. The solution: build a processing facility for fruit and vegetables, to supplement the children’s meals and also provide regular income for the Centre.

“Western Europe is recently confronted by their own social issues, such as the need for support, care and integration of migrants,” explained Sister Felicitas Butacu, Centre manager. “Some of the foreign sponsors, who regularly supported us in the past, had to direct their funds and efforts in that area. So we thought of self-financing solutions and decided to build this processing facility.”

For the project, the I.S.E.A. Association received the land as a donation, and a team of architects and construction engineers offered their services pro bono. For the rest of it, the Association sought financing solutions – as well as the support of the community.

“We applied for the Government’s Start-up Nation programme and we received the funds for purchasing equipment, but not for the construction of the facility per se,” said Sister Felicitas. “But the community in Rădăuți understood what we are doing with the Centre and is sensitive to the needs of the children. At the end of last week we had two fundraising events, a spring market and a charity cocktail, and we managed to raise 18,000 Euros.”

Community support during the Holy Week

At the event, which took place on Easter Sunday (Palm Sunday for the Orthodox Christians in Romania), Mădălina Mărtinaș, PR Holzindustrie Schweighofer Rădăuți, handed on behalf of the company a symbolic check worth 10,000 Euros.

“Our company’s values resonate with the long-term, educational purposes of the entire project, so we could not stand aside and not offer our support to the Centre,” said Mădălina Mărtinaș. “The investment of today will prove fruitful in time and we take the opportunity to encourage everyone wishing for a better future to get involved in this kind of initiatives in the community. Together, getting better every day!” Mădălina added.

The Centre manager received the offer with emotion and gratitude. “This gesture from our friends at Holzindustrie Schweighofer will have a positive, long-term effect on our children’s future,” said Sister Felicitas Butacu, “we thank them warmly for being with us, yet again!”