HS Timber Group initiative for Romania

Thomas Waitz, MEP: Timflow “is a frontrunner in making sure where the wood comes from”

Mr. Thomas Waitz, MEP (Greens), visited the Holzindustrie Schweighofer sawmill in Sebes last Thursday, May 24th, as part of a more extended trip to Romania to asses environmental impact and sustainability efforts to stop the phenomenon of illegal logging and preserve the natural heritage.

Mr. Waitz had the opportunity to learn about the action plan implemented by Holzindustrie Schweighofer in order to increase the sustainability of the Romanian wood sector, and also witnessed a live demonstration of Timflow, the GPS-based traceability system that is monitoring and checking all log transports to HS sawmills.

We saw all the details about the certification system and the timber monitoring system [Timflow], and I must say this project is a frontrunner in making sure where the wood comes from and making sure that it’s not coming from protected areas”, Mr. Waitz said. “The way that Holzindustrie Schweighofer started and implemented their action plan, this is the frontrunner of Romanian industry and I would say that this would be a concept for the whole Romanian wood industry to follow,” he added.

As a private company in the wood processing industry, for us there is no better way to protect Romania’s forests than through the constant adaptation and improvement of our security architecture. The recognition of the progress we make on our action plan for a sustainable timber industry encourages us to continue on the same path of open dialogue and constructive engagement with all parties interested,” said Michael Proschek-Hauptmann, Head of Compliance and Sustainability of the Schweighofer Group, who accompanied Mr. Waitz on his visit.

A forester and farmer in his native Austria, Thomas Waitz is a member in the Agriculture and Rural Development committee of the European Parliament, as well as the special committee on the Union’s authorisation procedure for pesticides. More on his activities in the European Parliament.