Holzindustrie Schweighofer provides warmth for Romanian children's home

For the fifth year in a row Holzindustrie Schweighofer is again donating pellets worth 11,500 euros to the children's home in Saniob, Romania. The 70 tons of pellets, equivalent to three truck loads, will supply the children accommodated there with heat throughout the winter.

A new home for children in need
The social centre in the small Romanian community of Saniob near the Hungarian border houses about 40 children and teenagers whose parents are unable to raise them for various reasons. Some of the children come from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, others lived on the streets before they found a safe new home in the children's centre in Saniob.

Supporting vulnerable members of the community
When Holzindustrie Schweighofer employees came across the children's home in Saniob five years ago, the attendants asked for support to provide for the cold winter months. The decision was taken quickly: Holzindustrie Schweighofer donated money for the installation of a pellet heating system which has been supplying the home with heat since 2013.

Holzindustrie Schweighofer supports social projects in those regions where the company is also economically active. The children’s home in Saniob, where the most vulnerable members of the community receive the help and attention they deserve, is one of these projects that the company has been supporting for years.

But this is not the only project of this kind. The Hospital for Chronic Diseases from Siret in northern Romania, where the company operates a wood panels factory, is another beneficiary of the ‘green’ alternative to gas-burning heating. Similarly, Holzindustrie Schweighofer supported the installation of a pellets heating system for the Hospital. And since 2016 an equal amount of pellets – 70 tonnes – have been offered each year, to warm the wards and offices of the Hospital. With a capacity of 82 inpatients, the Siret Hospital cares for the underprivileged of the small town and surrounding area.

Press release [pdf]