Update Holzindustrie Schweighofer Romania: Security system for the timber supply chain demonstrates its functionality once again

Holzindustrie Schweighofer, one of Europe’s leading timber processing companies, has implemented a comprehensive action plan for a sustainable timber industry in Romania. Its core measure is the GPS-based wood tracking system Timflow, which enables Holzindustrie Schweighofer to track every truckload of wood from its mill gates all the way to the loading place. The company is committed to a zero tolerance policy concerning deliveries of questionable origin. All truckloads are transparently published on the webpage www.timflow.com (available in Romanian and English).

Timflow highly effective
Following its principle of transparent communication, Holzindustrie Schweighofer is committed to informing the public whenever it finds wood deliveries of questionable origin. On 8 February 2018, Timflow alerted the company to inconsistencies regarding a delivery to the Schweighofer mill in Sebes: The place of origin stated in the written documents did not match the Timflow data. Therefore, the wood delivery was rejected and did not go into further processing. Michael-Proschek Hauptmann, Head of Compliance and Sustainability at Holzindustrie Schweighofer: “The delivery did not conform with our strict purchasing criteria and was therefore returned. This incident showed yet again that our security systems are highly effective. Already in August last year, we rejected three truckloads of wood and suspended the supplier based on data collected by Timflow.”

About Timflow
An average of 80 trucks arrives at Holzindustrie Schweighofer’s Romanian sawmills every day. About 10 deliveries per day undergo additional inspection based on Timflow data. “These deliveries are separated and further investigated. Only when the origin can be clarified beyond doubt and all standards are met, the material is accepted for further processing”, Mr. Proschek-Hauptmann explains. This is the second time a delivery is rejected. “With Timflow we want to support the Romanian government in its fight against illegal logging”, Mr. Proschek-Hauptmann concludes.

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