HS Timber Romania: Second public stakeholder consultation held in 2022

At HS Timber Group, we are part of a living supply chain, designed to provide end buyers with the comfort of knowing the legal origin of the timber and the fairness of the manufacturing process. That is why we are looking for the strengthening of partnerships based on honesty and a common desire for progress.

In Romania, where we operate two sawmills, a blockboard factory and a post and beams production unit, we are a major player in the wood processing industry that supports more than 300,000 families nationwide.

"To secure the conformity of our products, it is crucial to ensure that our wood comes from sustainably managed forests," said Adrian Lucan, Supply Chain Control and Certification Manager at HS Timber Romania. "Traceability and transparency are key values ​​that help us improve the safety of our supply chain, and external input is an integral part of our risk management activities."

Therefore, in the second part of October, the event entitled Stakeholder consultation on HS Timber Group's policies and purchasing areas took place, where more than 90 people, members of the local communities, business, authorities, and other organisations attended.

If in 2021, due to the pandemic situation, only one online event was organised for the stakeholders’ consultation, in 2022, after a first online session, we returned to the traditional meetings, during which we ensured that the direct and honest dialogue and human interaction create a framework for fruitful collaboration in the future.

"At HS Timber we aim to become a role model and we encourage open dialogue between all those interested in the well-being of the regions where our factories operate, the people, and the business environment in general," said Dan Bănacu, General Manager at HS Timber Productions. "We are proud to work with wood, a locally available, renewable raw material, in a high-performance processing industry with a long tradition in the country.”

During the event, topics of common interest were debated such as: competition rules in Romania - implications in the forestry sector; the use of modular and mobile forestry bridges for wood harvesting with a low impact on the environment; the current situation of the wood market; innovative AI solutions for measuring wood in different processing phases; administration of private forests; PEFC - applied sustainability. There were also practical demonstrations in the field of the modular bridge and the AI instruments for measuring the wood.

Continuous collaboration with suppliers, their awareness and training are also crucial so we promote open, ongoing dialogue as a basis for aligning expectations and actions and significantly reducing the negative impact in our supply chain, in particular in our purchases.