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Holzindustrie Schweighofer supports the establishment of a professional class

A new education project under Building Bridges, the sustainable development concept initiated by the company

Holzindustrie Schweighofer, the largest greenfield investor in timber industry in Romania and partner of educational institutions, supports the establishment of a professional class at the "Grigore Cobalcescu" College of Technology in Moinesti, Bacau County, starting with the school year 2016 - 2017.

In this class, 14 students will be trained, for three years, for becoming locksmiths, and another 14 students will be trained as low-voltage electricians. Upon graduation, these students will also be offered the opportunity to be employed in the Holzindustrie Schweighofer factories.

"We are naturally involved in the life of local communities through corporate social responsibility projects meant to support sustainable development. We think on a long term and our vision regarding the development of a sustainable business also includes supporting the communities in which we operate, building bridges for the future, that's why we've brought all our CSR programs under the symbolic title Building Bridges. Education holds a special place: we contribute to the training of future specialists in the wood industry. We have valuable partnerships with educational institutions in Romania, that we support, in order to give young people training opportunities at the highest level", declared Dan Banacu, General Manager of the blockboard factory Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco from Comăneşti.

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