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Holzindustrie Schweighofer invests 280,000 euros in the most modern vocational school in Moldova dedicated to the study of wood processing

Holzindustrie Schweighofer has taken, for more than five years, the role of supporter of children who want to dedicate their professional future to the wood processing industry. Towards this vision dedicated to the communities in which it operates, the company announces the start of the renovation works of the student accommodation building that will host, starting this autumn, the 28 students of a vocational class newly created at the “Grigore Cobalcescu” College of Technology in Moinesti, Bacau County.

“We pay attention to the needs of local communities and get involved in their lives through corporate social responsibility projects, aimed to support sustainable development. We think long term and our vision regarding the development of a sustainable business also includes supporting the communities in which we operate, we build bridges for the future. Education holds a special place: we contribute to the training of future specialists in the wood processing industry. We have valuable partnerships with educational institutions in Romania, which we support, in order to give young people training opportunities at the highest level” – Dan Bănacu, General Manager, Holzindustrie Schweighofer.

Being actively involved in supporting programs for the involvement in the community’s social life, in the last five years alone the company has supported with over 5 million EUR large scale projects in health and education.

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