- We strictly respect the rules and regulation in place, in all areas we are active in
- Loopholes in the legislation lead to the absurd case where the wood processor has more precise measurement means for the raw materials than the supplier
- Holzindustrie Schweighofer offers relevant authorities technological support in modern measurement systems
Holzindustrie Schweighofer points out that is uses modern laser measurement instruments, approved by the Romanian Standardisation Association and certified by the National Metrology Institute. These instruments offer much more precise results compared to the measurements done manually by the suppliers at the loading point, in the forest. The latter are inexact (but legal) and are recorded in the transport documentation. The measurement discrepancies deriving from the usage of different measurement methods and instruments are normal and fair, as shown by scientific studies and international practice in the sector. As a consequence, Holzindustrie Schweighofer, maintains its opinion that measurement instruments approved by the Romanian Standardisation Association and certified from a metrology point of view are measuring correctly and any deviation cannot be reprimanded.
As a standard procedure, Holzindustrie Schweighofer separates the extra wood volume - resulted after the electronic measurement done in its mills - stores it separately and informs the authorities with regards to the volume it received. This activity alone incurs an extra and irretrievable financial burden for the company, leading to handling expenses outside its usual production process, for goods which are not in its possession and which are not on stock. Moreover, the company informs the Forestry Guard each times it detects such situations.
The logs sold on the wood market are measured at the loading point by the supplier with the use of a calliper, while at the final destination the measurement is done via electronic equipment. As a result of these two measurements methods, there are situations where there are volume differences that are outside the tolerance limits allowed by the regulations in force. The outcome is a wood quantity which is “outside of the system” which, even if it is made known to the authorities, put the company in the absurd situation in which it is penalised.
Holzindustrie Schweighofer supports the authorities in identifying a solution in a move to improve the legislation and the coherence of the measurement systems for wood, when it comes to commercial transactions. The company has implemented a set of measures to support a sustainable wood industry in Romania.
Holzindustrie Schweighofer observes an open door policy and is taking a keen interest in the concerns of the civil society. Therefore, we invite any stakeholder to contact us and come visit our mill, to better understand all the measures we implement.