Eine Reise voller Hoffnung, Entschlossenheit und Erfolg
Im Januar 2025 wurde Azad Ali Mirza mit dem OE24 Next Generation Award: Integration and Inspiration ausgezeichnet. Sein bemerkenswerter Weg, gezeichnet von harten Bedingungen auf der Straße hin zu einem erfolgreichen Leben verkörpert Hoffnung und Entschlossenheit. Es macht ihn zu einem Vorbild für viele. Aber wie kam Azad an diesen Punkt? Seine Geschichte ist eine Geschichte über Durchhaltevermögen, Chancen und Ehrgeiz.
WeiterlesenWillkommen im HS Timber Blog
Wir laden Sie ein, in inspirierende Geschichten über unsere faszinierenden Holzprodukte und die zahlreichen Initiativen einzutauchen, die wir ergreifen, um positive Auswirkungen auf Gemeinschaften und die Umwelt zu haben. Von innovativen Lösungen bis hin zu aufrichtigem Engagement für die Gesellschaft - unsere Beiträge zeigen die greifbaren Vorteile unserer CSR-Bemühungen. Begleiten Sie uns auf dieser Reise, auf der wir unser Engagement für nachhaltigen Fortschritt und soziale und ökologische Verantwortung teilen.

Sägewerke der HS Timber Group sind jetzt SURE-EU zertifiziert
SURE (Sustainable Resources Verification Scheme) ist ein neues Zertifizierungssystem, das 2020 in Deutschland eingeführt wurde und die Einhaltung der…
HS Timber Reci: Notfallmedizinischer Krankenwagen für Covasna
Der Landkreis Covasna, in Rumänien, hat Anfang des Jahres einen neuen Krankenwagen für notfallmedizinische Hilfe erhalten. Eine öffentlich-private…
HS Baco Panels: Fertigstellung zweier Sponsoringprojekte in Moinesti
Es ist schön, wenn man nicht nur den Start eines Projektes ermöglicht, sondern auch die Realisierung begleiten kann. 2022 hat unser rumänisches…
Wir bauen einen Kindergarten
Die Unterstützung von Institutionen und Einrichtungen, die sich der (Aus-)Bildung und Förderung von Kindern und Jugendlichen annehmen, ist der HS Timber Group ein großes Anliegen.
HS Timber Group Supply Chain Report 2022 veröffentlicht
Die HS Timber Group hat eine strenge Holzbeschaffungsrichtlinie eingeführt. Diese beinhaltet die Verpflichtung, eine jährliche Überprüfung…
Wie wir uns für den Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt in unserer Lieferkette einsetzen (Video)
Die HS Timber Group engagiert sich für den Schutz, die Wiederherstellung und die Verbesserung der Waldökosysteme durch die Förderung einer…
Von der Weisheit zur Virtuosität: Mit HS Baco Panels begleitet Phronesis begabte Kinder in Rumänien
Es gibt viele Kinder mit besonderen Begabungen. Manchmal bleiben sie unentdeckt oder werden nicht gefördert, da ihr Umfeld nicht die entsprechenden…
HS Timber beugt Schulabbrechern vor
Es ist ein Nachmittag wie jeder andere Tag in der Woche. Wir spazieren durch den Innenhof des Maria Ward Sozialzentrums in Rădăuți, Rumänien. Das…
Das Material für Ihre Möbel
Wir machen die besten Lösungen aus Holz.
Das ist ein Versprechen, das wir in unserem Leitbild festhalten. Aber was bedeutet das und wo werden die…
HS Baco Panels kümmert sich um die großen Bedürfnisse der kleinen Leute in Valea Trotuşului, Rumänien
Es hat Tradition, dass wir uns in den Regionen, in denen wir tätig sind, für soziale, ökologische und zukunftsweisende Projekte engagieren, die…
Ein neues Dach für das Social Assistance Centre in Siret
Bei HS Timber ist es Tradition, dass wir uns in den Regionen, in denen wir tätig sind, für soziale, ökologische und zukunftsweisende Projekte…
Pellets für das Krankenhaus in Siret
Das siebte Jahr in Folge unterstützt HS Timber bereits das Krankenhaus für chronische Krankheiten in Siret, Rumänien, und spendet Pellets für die…
Evergreen Lectures Kurs über die Digitalisierung
Die Digitalisierung ist ein Schlüsselthema für die Zukunft der Holzwirtschaft. Dazu passen Stichworte wie Data Mining, Fernerkundung und Industrie…
Baufortschritt HTL Campus in Burkina Faso
Massive Regenfälle, kaum Lieferungen aus dem Ausland, massive Einschränkungen durch die Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie und ein Militärputsch im…
Wir sind HS Timber - neues Logo für Verpackung und Promotion
Wir vereinfachen unseren Markenauftritt. HS Timber ist von nun an die Marke für alle rumänischen und deutschen Sägewerkseinheiten.
Darüber hinaus…
Unser CSR-Engagement in Afrika
Äthiopien ist häufig von Hungersnöten oder Kriegshandlungen im Land betroffen. Wenn man durch das Land reist, in dem die DABG - ein Unternehmen der…

The 2021 HS Timber Group Supply Chain Control Report is now available
HS Timber Group implemented a strict Timber Sourcing Policy. This policy includes a commitment to perform an annual review and to report on the…
5 years of Timflow: contest rules
ORGANIZER: HS Timber Productions S.R.L., Street Grigore Alexandrescu, no.59, floor 4, Sector 1, 010623…
Together we are stronger
Together we are stronger! This is what 2021 proved to us once again. It was a challenging year that brought us together even closer. We were close to…
Testing underway at the CIND measurement gate [gantry] in Reci
The sawmill in Reci has started testing a new volumetric scanning tool, which is meant to offer one more assurance that the sawlogs which reach the…
What’s it like to watch a plank for hours?
“Hey, how have you been? Haven’t seen you in ages. What have you been up to?
“Hey, I am just on my way to work, I am shift leader in the planing hall…
Traceability of roundwood through log yards – HS Timber Group’s journey and the role of SUMAL 2.0
Interview with Adrian Lucan, SCCC Manager for Romania at HS Timber Productions
What were the challenges with logyard deliveries and how did you…
HS Timber Group’s Due Diligence system components are constantly evolving
Interview with Adrian Lucan, SCCC Manager for Romania
It is important for us to make sure that the timber we buy at HS Timber Group comes from…
We plant! How are you celebrating the International Day of Forests?
There is nothing more important than having a plan for the future. A substantial plan, smartly divided into phases, so one can continuously see…
Small, yet powerful. How to turn by-products into power?
This is the story of small yet powerful pieces, which have high caloric value, are made of by-products and heat us in wintertime.
It is a story about…
HS Baco Panels and the magic of 10
They say a team is as strong as its weakest member and that a company is nothing if not a collection of stories of people who have helped make it…
HS Timber Group’s CSR actions in the context of COVID-19
Responsibility for the regions in which we operate is part of our mission and vision. With our ‘Together!’Initiative, we now make a direct…
10 Dinge, die man über Tischlerplatten wissen muss
Das weltgrößte Tischlerplattenwerk - HS Baco Panels – ist seit zehn Jahren Teil der HS Timber Group. Es gibt viele wissenswerte Fakten und Anekdoten…
Timflow now monitors deliveries to suppliers’ logyards
Interview with Adrian Lucan, Supply Chain Control and Certification Manager at HS Timber Group Romania
In the past two years we have focused on…
The Robert Cole Association - a struggle with patience, wisdom and emotion
Visiting the Robert Cole Association - a discussion with the director of the center
Zăvoi, a quiet neighborhood in the town of Comănești in Romania,…
HS Timber Productions donates timber for the Sebes Elderly Home
HS Timber Productions continues its partnership with social institutions, as part of its corporate social responsibility strategy.
With the beginning…
Maria Ward Social Centre five years on
"No matter how hard life is, you have the resources and the strength to go on"
It was about five years ago, on a beautiful autumn day, when we were…
HS awarded eminent students at the beginning of the 2019 school year
At the opening ceremony of the school year, held at the Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi National College in Rădăuți, Holzindustrie Schweighofer offered prizes to…
Students from six countries visited our Rădăuți sawmill
At the end of last week, 12 students, together with their tutors from the Padua Forestry Faculty, visited our Rădăuți sawmill. The students come from…
Austrian guests visit the HS mills in Romania
Forest owners and managers from Austria spent almost a week visiting Romania between 7 and 12 July, with our mills in Rădăuți and Comănești playing an…
Holzindustrie Schweighofer supports the recovery of children with disabilities
- The company donated timber and sawdust to the Recovery and Recreation through Horse Riding Association in Leorinț
- The coniferous timber offered by the…

Final practice: vocational education students finish their training in the Holzindustrie Schweighofer mills
Practice makes perfect, that’s why practical training stages in the company’s mills include more and more young people each year.
The Schweighofer…
Students complete yet another internship stage at HS Rădăuți
The curtain has been drawn at HS Rădăuți, after ten students from the Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava have completed their internship, which…
SOLID partnerships: Customers visit Comănești and Reci
An open, transparent relationship with our partners is the foundation for any successful collaboration. That’s why we were delighted to receive a…
Life as a challenge. Interview with Gheorghe Bălțătescu, technical mill manager Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco
At the beginning, there was a fascination for the military uniform. But it wasn’t meant to be.
A hardship followed, making him, at only 19, forced to…
Just finished 8th grade? Apply to our dual vocational education program!
Keyword: teamwork! Interview with Ioan Atănăsoaei, mill manager Holzindustrie Schweighofer Rădăuți
When he was a child, he was thinking of becoming a policeman.
The native of Fălticeni - with teachers as parents, passionate about mathematics and an…
Wood Engineering freshmen visit our sawmill in Reci
Friday, 10 May, our colleagues from the sawmill in Reci received the visit of the first year students from the Wood Engineering Faculty in Brașov.…
Schweighofer Scholarships: The wood road – from seedlings to the final product
Last month, 14 forestry students, Schweighofer scholars from the Universities of Suceava, Brașov and Cluj-Napoca, put aside their books, course…
Close to the children’s needs in Sâniob, Romania
This spring, our company sponsored the Caritas Foundation - St. Stephen Social Centre with 50 cubic meters of panels from our factory in Siret. Thus,…
Happiness lies in the small things. Interview with Ionuț Batîr, mill manager Holzindustrie Schweighofer Sebeș
“Vasile, have you heard of Ionuț Batîr? He’s one of our graduates, he’s a smart, quick-witted, hardworking kid. I highly recommend him, he’d fit your…
Light of hope: Supporting our friends at the Maria Ward Centre
The Maria Ward Social Centre in Rădăuți, by the I.S.E.A. Association, is where destinies are changed for the better.
Every day, the sisters in the…
This spring, blossoms open in Rădăuți
Spring started with a practical training programme at Holzindustrie Schweighofer in Rădăuți, with ten students at the Ștefan cel Mare University in…
Holzindustrie Schweighofer at Expowood 2019
This week (April 11-13), our colleagues from Romania will participate at the 18th edition of the wood industry fair and exhibition Expowood in Brasov.
… Weiterlesen
Open doors: wood industry trade unions leaders visit Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco
A group of 40 union leaders from the Romanian wood industry visited Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco last week.
The Board of Direction of the…
Pigeons and robots: Schweighofer Scholarship beneficiaries visit HS Baco
At the end of March, the Schweighofer Scholarships beneficiaries from the Wood Engineering Faculty at the Transylvania University of Brasov visited…
Holzindustrie Schweighofer donates wood for the school workshops at the Technical High-School Sebes
On 25 March, Holzindustrie Schweighofer Sebes representatives delivered a sponsorship consisting in timber for the Technical High-School Sebes.…
Schweighofer students in Moinesti start the final semester of the programme
Students in the vocational class supported by the company at the Moinesti Technical High-School have entered a straight line: they will soon complete…
Holzindustrie Schweighofer: Logyards and traceability
Logyards are an important part of Romania’s wood processing industry and are heavily regulated by Romanian forestry legislation. At the logyards, wood…
Holzindustrie Schweighofer donates wood panels for furniture as social responsibility effort
As part of the social partnership between Holzindustrie Schweighofer, the PRO WOOD cluster, the Covasna County Council and the Technical High-School…
Challenges are like a heartbeat: Interview with Paul Balan, Group IT Director Holzindustrie Schweighofer Romania
He was dreaming of going to the Police Academy.
A small surgery, however, derailed his plans. He shifted gear and became a student in Letters, at the…
“I was imagining men pushing a log into a bandsaw, instead I stepped into a plane cockpit!” Interview with Valentin Pietrariu, shift leader, cutting department (HS Reci)
About ten years ago, a young high school graduate was dreaming of becoming a firefighter. His plans failed and then he started looking for something…
Windbreak: Our Reci colleagues planted a shelterbelt
Our colleagues from the Holzindustrie Schweighofer sawmill in Reci took part yesterday in a planting action – fruit trees along the generous parking…
A group of Romanian journalists at the Holzindustrie Schweighofer headquarters in Vienna
Earlier this month, nearly 20 journalists from the Romanian central media came to the Schweighofer Group’s headquarters in Vienna, from the most…
Holzindustrie Schweighofer Reci gets ISO 14001 certified
In line with the Schweighofer Group’s environmental policy standards, the Holzindustrie Schweighofer Reci sawmill received earlier this month its ISO…
Holzindustrie Schweighofer supports mountain rescue actions in Țara Dornelor
Back in 1985, in Vatra Dornei, a group of mountain lovers established the Gențiana mountain club. Later on, in 1998, the Vatra Dornei Public Mountain…
A welcoming, bright and warm home
The retirement home for the elderly in Radauti opened in October 2017. Since then, the modern, warm and bright building has become “home” for 40…
Holzindustrie Schweighofer Rădăuți – 10 years of perfection in timber
Nicky, Paul, Adrian, Vasile, Cristiana, Ionuț, Giorgio or Sorina are just a few of the names who, back in September 2008, went to work every day in a…
“We basically start the entire technological flow in the factory!” Interview with Nicu Burlică, shift leader round wood (HS Rădăuți)
Stepping onto the platform at the Holzindustrie Schweighofer sawmill in Rădăuți, the untrained eye sees only stacks of logs, cranes constantly moving…
Open doors: German journalists visit HS Reci
When we decided to act for increasing transparency in the Romanian wood industry, one of the first measures in our action plan was to open our doors…
Factory tan: students taking summer jobs at Holzindustrie Schweighofer Baco
There are two ways to spend your summer, when you’re young.
For some, summer means long parties, music festivals, and trips to the seaside or to the…
“How can I not be proud, when I know that everything that was built from the ground up over here was done by just a handful of people?” Interview with Ioan Țăran, electrical shift leader (HS Sebeș)
Ioan Țăran knows of everything that moves on the Sebeș platform of Holzindustrie Schweighofer. One of the first people to join the company ever since…
Second year completes for the vocational education project at the Moinesti Technical College
- The school year ended with 8 weeks of practical training in 4 Holzindustrie Schweighofer mills.
- All students keep their scholarships, half of them…

From the heart of a sawmill: An interview with “Giorgio” Prelipcean (HS Radauti)
The cutting hall is the heart of a sawmill. It is that place where the log is cut into lumber, at the best yield. At the Holzindustrie Schweighofer…
PHOTO/VIDEO: International Chariot Races Competition with Holzindustrie Schweighofer Reci support
Local traditions are the backbone of our community, providing the sense of belonging and cohesion necessary day after day.
Horse breeding and racing…
Holzindustrie Schweighofer has a strong due diligence system for log yards
Log yards are part of Romania’s timber industry. Due to the small forest road infrastructure, wood is sorted, cut into assortments and delivered to…
Representatives of Japan Forest Technology Association welcomed at Holzindustrie Schweighofer
During two days, Holzindustrie Schweighofer has transparently offered detailed information to representatives of JAFTA (Japan Forestry Technology…
Schweighofer Scholarships final colloquium, an outstanding scientific event
- This year's Schweighofer Scholarship program for university students in forestry and wood engineering has come to an end
- This weekend, a colloquium was…

Schweighofer Scholarships: A year to remember
After completing their exams, the Schweighofer Scholarship recipients from forestry and wood engineering faculties of the universities in Suceava,…
Japan: Wood – from tradition to innovation
In a minimalist note with a solid structure, traditional Japanese houses are built on a single level and on a wooden structure, combining materials…
When chance shows you your path: interview with Dan Rața (HS Bucharest)
Nothing happens by chance even if sometimes it looks like it. When you’re not in logistics you might think of the field as boring and repetitive. It’s…
“We simply cannot afford to ignore skilled female workers and leaders”: an interview with Hannes Plackner (HS Vienna)
Hannes, how long have you been with Holzindustrie Schweighofer?
I joined Holzindustrie Schweighofer (HS) in December 2015 – but my passion for timber…
Where are Europe’s last primary forests?
Long ago covered in deep woods supporting an astonishing biodiversity and housing amazing wild animals, Europe’s landscape is now largely a mixture of…
5 years together: Holzindustrie Schweighofer celebrates the Afterschool program in Reci with the local community
A picnic on the yard lawn, animators, face-painting workshops, outdoor games, a delicious cake and lots of fun: the local community in Reci celebrated…
Open doors: Journalists visit HS Sebes
The first Romanian investment by the Schweighofer Group, the Holzindustrie Schweighofer sawmill in Sebes, opend its doors once again to the media.
Thomas Waitz, MEP: Timflow “is a frontrunner in making sure where the wood comes from”
Mr. Thomas Waitz, MEP (Greens), visited the Holzindustrie Schweighofer sawmill in Sebes last Thursday, May 24th, as part of a more extended trip to…
Tomorrow's Forest: Outstanding volunteer engagement in last planting action of the season
On Saturday, May 12th, the Tomorrow's Forest planting action in Dorna Candrenilor saw the largest volunteer numbers in Suceava County over the last 20…
“The work of the Compliance and Certification Department is about spreading good practices within the wood industry”: interview with Alexandra Popa, HS Reci
How long have you been with Holzindustrie Schweighofer? What was your professional career?
I started working at Holzindustrie Schweighofer in…
Holzindustrie Schweighofer at Expowood 2018: innovation and sustainability for wood industry 4.0
The 17th edition of the wood industry fair and exhibition, Expowood, took place last month in Brasov. This year’s edition focused on innovation –…
HS Baco: supporting entrepreneurship and local initiatives
The impact Holzindustrie Schweighofer has on local economy in the region where it activates is not reduced to taxes paid to the local authorities and…
Vasile Varvaroi, coordinator of the Schweighofer Scholarships program: “Our passion for wood is also transposed into a social responsibility program”
Out of passion for wood, the Schweighofer Group has developed a highly efficient wood processing concept, with full usage of raw materials and…
From janitor to lab technician: interview with Luminiţa Ţurcaşu, KWK, HS Sebes
Luminita Turcasu used to be a nurse, but she wanted a better paycheck and working conditions than she had in the healthcare system. She started at HS…
Local Partnerships: Bacau Chamber of Commerce and Industry visits HS Baco
Deeply involved in the regions where it activates, Holzindustrie Schweighofer production units are active members of the Chambers of Commerce and…
“I thought I wouldn’t last a week, let alone 8 years”: Interview with Viorel Tamba, department leader, HS Baco (Comanesti)
32-years old Viorel Tamba joined the HS blockboard factory in Comanesti straight after University. A business and marketing graduate, his career shift…
Schweighofer Scholarships: Student workshops throughout March
Holzindustrie Schweighofer is a partner of the educational institutions and also supports the future of the wood professionals by awarding 24 monthly…
Convergence: Strong partnerships are built on common values
An open, transparent relation with our partners is the foundation for any successful collaboration. That’s why we were delighted to receive the Tornat…
Openness and dialogue: public consultation on wood acquisition areas and the company’s own Due Diligence system
Tuesday, February 27th, a public consultation was organized in Tg. Mures by Holzindustrie Schweighofer (HS) Sebes and Reci sawmills. The main themes…
Tomorrow’s Forest is much more than volunteering
With the spring planting campaign fast approaching, the Tomorrow’s Forest initiative is the kind of logistic effort whose complexity cannot be…
"Every day brings new challenges": An interview with R. Bozdoc, Thermal Plant Leader, Holzindustrie Schweighofer Reci
26-year old Răzvan Bozdoc has been working in the Holzindustrie Schweighofer Reci sawmill since 2014, while it was still being built. He has a degree…
“The unseen face of forestry” – article by Ciprian Palaghianu, Tomorrow’s Forest Project Director
Ciprian Palaghianu, PhD, Vice-dean of the Faculty of Forestry at the Suceava University and Project Director for the Tomorrow’s Forest initiative,…
Scientific research with practical applications is the focus of Holzindustrie Schweighofer support
We at Holzindustrie Schweighofer support research and innovation especially when they can change the life of the community: the research equipment…
New Timflow website with enhanced features
December comes with exciting news about Timflow, the GPS-based system for transparently monitoring saw log deliveries that is unique in the European…
"We are devoted to forest regeneration" - An interview
In an exclusive interview for the Tomorrow's Forest website, Mr. Dorel Fechete, Executive Director of the Forest Administrators' Association, talks…
First planting in the Tomorrow's Forest project: Poieni-Solca, Suceava County
Only a few weeks after its launch, Tomorrow’s Forest had a strong start: more than 21,000 seedlings (fir, spruce, ash, maple and alder) were planted…
The 2017 Schweighofer Scholarships have been awarded
- The contest for the scholarships was held simultaneously in all four partner faculties at Universities in Suceava, Brasov and Cluj-Napoca
- More than 100…