Perfection in Timber
Getting better every day
Our resource is renewable and unique.
Our local engagement in the regions initiates and supports economic development and respects the environment.
We are passionate about meeting new challenges and finding the best solutions.
Our ability to innovate products and services guarantees individual solutions.
Close cooperation is our key to common success.
Our reliability ensures stability for our employees, customers and suppliers.
The HS Timber Group is a long-established wood processing company of Austrian origin with very strong roots in Central and Eastern Europe, and production sites in Germany, Romania, Finland and Argentina. We are open to new approaches and face opportunities courageously. We are committed to our responsibility for communities and a sustainable timber industry. Our employees are best in class and our greatest asset. As a company we strive to grow globally and sustainably while respecting the environment. We constantly invest in our core competences of sawmilling and industrial timber processing, as well as in diversifying our business. We do this by building a global presence with strong regional roots.
We are customer oriented.
The pursuit of perfection and quality makes us different. Perfection in servicing achieves best results for our customers. This is how we understand partnership. Our customers’ economic success is the basis for our own long-term success. Our performance and capability of finding the best solutions for our customers distinguish us from others. Our strengths: flexibility, speed, openness and consequent implementation.
We respect our regions and value them.
The regions we work in are the basis for our successful value chain. We offer high quality jobs and contribute to the long-term revival and attractiveness of the regions. We understand and respect the concerns of our partners. We support them in the regions in solving problems to secure our sites.
Our employees are among the best in the industry.
We support our employees’ development and seek their best performance in return. Only qualified employees guarantee that all rules are respected. We are an attractive employer: we strive for satisfied employees and a close cooperation. We value our employees as our most important resource and support them in taking over responsibility. We believe in their skills and dedication. In return, we expect their willingness to always strive for the best approach. We care about health and safety. We appreciate constant development and the ability to learn from mistakes. We are a sotrng unity, direct and hands-on. Teamwork is the cornerstone for our success – we remain strong by working together.
Our organisation is transparent.
Our internal organisation is well structured and understood by all of our employees. Decisions are taken fast and at the right level. We strive for an appropriate level of involvement and personal responsibility. Lean structures together with a strong awareness for communication throughout the group characterize our organisation.
We work closely with our partners.
Our suppliers and customers are the economic foundation of our business. We offer them reliability and long-term partnerships. We demand honesty in respecting our rules and legal provisions as well as the commitment towards continuous improvement – both, from ourselves and our partners.
Sustainability leads us in our daily business.
We are committed to sustainability and growth throughout our organisation. Our economic success depends on our supply basis, a sustainably managed forest. Sustaining and fostering this natural heritage is crucial. We are fully committed to protecting biodiversity and contribute to climate protection. Our resource’s origin is transparently traceable, making our products one of the safest in the industry. The responsible use of our resource and an effective environmental management are an integral part of our economic activities, supporting innovation and success. A transparent and honest dialogue with our employees, stakeholders and the general public helps to implement and constantly improve our approach.