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During two days, Holzindustrie Schweighofer has transparently offered detailed information to representatives of JAFTA (Japan Forestry Technology…

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  • This year's Schweighofer Scholarship program for university students in forestry and wood engineering has come to an end
  • This weekend, a colloquium was…
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After completing their exams, the Schweighofer Scholarship recipients from forestry and wood engineering faculties of the universities in Suceava,…

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In a minimalist note with a solid structure, traditional Japanese houses are built on a single level and on a wooden structure, combining materials…

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Nothing happens by chance even if sometimes it looks like it. When you’re not in logistics you might think of the field as boring and repetitive. It’s…

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Hannes, how long have you been with Holzindustrie Schweighofer?

I joined Holzindustrie Schweighofer (HS) in December 2015 – but my passion for…

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Long ago covered in deep woods supporting an astonishing biodiversity and housing amazing wild animals, Europe’s landscape is now largely a mixture of…

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A picnic on the yard lawn, animators, face-painting workshops, outdoor games, a delicious cake and lots of fun: the local community in Reci celebrated…

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 The first Romanian investment by the Schweighofer Group, the Holzindustrie Schweighofer sawmill in Sebes, opend its doors once again to the…

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Mr. Thomas Waitz, MEP (Greens), visited the Holzindustrie Schweighofer sawmill in Sebes last Thursday, May 24th, as part of a more extended trip to…

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